light painting

Making Magic with Light by Linda Costa Cheranichit

The marvelous Chanda Am models in a Raul Del Castillo original design, captured in my light painting technique at The Studios at 5663 for this past 4th Saturday Artwalk.

This past 4th Saturday at The Studios at 5663,  I had the pleasure of working with the gorgeous and talented model Chanda Am as I demonstrated my light painting technique live for spectators who were interested in learning about my creative process. Our studios were opened to the public as they are every 4th Saturday for Pinellas Arts Village's 4th Saturday Artwalk, from 6-9pm. Our resident musicphile DJ Sai (aka my wonderful husband Tim Cheranichit) spun an eclectic mix of 80s vinyl, the soundtrack to an exciting and creative evening out. As the night wound down, Chanda and I were admiring the stunning dress designs of my newest studio mate, Raul Del Castillo, who then generously offered to let Chanda have a fitting for one of his fashionable creations. As Chanda was draped in Raul's luxurious dress, the creation came alive, inspiring me instantly! I just had to create a light painting of her in this magnificent dress! She stood perfectly still in a pitch black room as I lit her with my warm toned flashlight, painting her skin and face with light. She held fire in her hands, as I lit textured materials to put magical light into her palms. She then changed positions during the long exposure, with her arms spread out, conjuring energy from the darkness around her as I flowed behind her reaching from floor to ceiling with my string of blue lights, creating an electric forest all around. Above you see the result of three different artists displaying their creative powers simultaneously; Raul's fantastic fashion work, Chanda's impeccable modelling skills, and my inspiration exploding in light. I'm so grateful to be able to share this gift through my studio, collaborating with creatives in hopes of inspiring art lovers. If you've yet to come see what the Pinellas Art Village is all about, please contact me (404.454.6257) to visit me at Studio #9, where I create portraits for all occasions and all budgets, and where you can find my fine art prints available for your very own collection. There's vibrant creativity flowing through every corner of our arts neighborhood and we're just getting started!

Dress Design: Raul Castillo Designs(IG: @rauldelcastillodesigns )

Model: Chanda Am(IG: @chanda_model )

Light Painting Photography: Linda Costa Cheranichit (IG: @lindacostaphotography)

Location: Studio #9 of the Studios at 5663: 5663 Park Blvd, Pinellas Park, FL, 33781.

Neon Dreams and the Jenique Hendrix Experience at The Sharpie! by Linda Costa Cheranichit

Last month I had the unique opportunity to capture Jenique Hendrix's newest fashion collection at its debut at the Neon Dreams art opening at The Sharpie Gallery in Treasure Island, FL. Her surf inspired fashion line "Ride the Wave" uses materials usually reserved for active water wear in innovative and inspired ways, creating clothing that rides the line between what mod fashions icons like Twiggy were famous for, but with bold neon colors and a cutting futurist style that is more likely to be found in characters populating the world of the film Tron. It is fashion forward, inventive work. Jenique's energy is contagious and her creativity seems endless as she played the roles of model, designer, stylist and make-up artist for our shoot. The gorgeous models I had the pleasure of working with were of diverse backgrounds, sizes and shades, all hand chosen by the designer herself with intent and purpose. Even in the sweltering heat of Florida, it was pure joy creating these light paintings with this group of talented, creative, and gorgeous women! I hope to have done justice to such an exciting new collection and the glamorous women wearing the work, which I contrasted in against the neon lights of Treasure Island and the neon art work currently on view at The Sharpie Gallery. The Neon Dreams exhibit runs through the end of September. For more information about Jenique's fashion, modeling and acting you can contact the artist directly via her website . To purchase prints from this shoot, or to book your own light painting experience, contact me and let's make magic!

Looks designed, styled, and created by Jenique Hendrix.

Models: Jenique Hendrix, Chanda Am, Kimberly Mohamed, Melanie Perri, Courtney Haynes, Marianna Jazmine, and Mr. Phillip "Nitro" Bozeman.

Light Paintings created live during the Neon Dreams Opening by Linda Costa Cheranichit.

Location: The Sharpie Gallery, 11165 Gulf Boulevard, Treasure Island, FL 33706.

Neon Dreams by Linda Costa Cheranichit

Neon Dreams Art Show this Saturday, July 30th from 6-10pm, $5 entry includes drinks, food and entertainment!

Neon Dreams Art Show this Saturday, July 30th from 6-10pm, $5 entry includes drinks, food and entertainment!

I'm excited to share that The Sharpie gallery has included me in their group show Neon Dreams, opening this Saturday, July 30th at 6pm. My light painted photography and new paper cut pieces will be included among paintings, drawings and mixed media works by a variety of local talents. Jenique Hendrix will unveil her exceptional original fashions that glow with neon piping, reminiscent of a cross between twiggy and tron,  as we all enjoy the sounds of DJ Hammslice.  The event will be catered by Chef Felix's delicious palate pleasers, paired with complimentary drinks. I will be performing my live light painting photography with models throughout the night and sharing the resulting images via projections. The $5 entry fee covers drinks, delectable food, stunning visual art, live art experiences, musical beats, and an amazing time only footsteps away from the sand and sea. Neon Dreams opens from 6-10pm at The Sharpie: 11165 Gulf Blvd, Treasure Island, FL, 33706.

Harnessing the power of love by Linda Costa Cheranichit

The love we share is real, pure and true. I've been blessed to capture the reality of love in its many forms: the eager love of recently engaged sweethearts, the tender love of newly weds moments after they spoke "I do", the comforting love of parents anxiously expecting their first born, the fresh love of couples enjoying blissful romance while at a friend's party. Love expresses itself in so many different phases in our lives and we often are so enraptured by our passion we rarely take the time to record its excitement, it's electric glow. Harnessing that moment, the power of your love, and cherishing those memories as your love evolves keeps alive the flame for years to come. Light painting is expressive art-form, one that truly captures the energy of a given moment, absorbing the light we emit from the soul and the passion pouring from our hearts.
Experiencing the excitement of the light painting experience together can in itself be a romantic adventure, holding each other tightly in darkness as the magic of your union takes form in colorful light waves all around you. For a truly unforgettable portrait session in your home, on location or in my studio, contact me at 404.454.6257. Let's make magic together.

Second Saturday InstaPete Exhibit at Davidson Fine Art by Linda Costa Cheranichit

Light Paintings from my @lindacostaphotography Instagram feed that will be exhibited at Davidson Fine Art through the month of June.

Tonight, June 11th from 6-9pm is Second Saturday Artwalk in St. Pete! Davidson Fine Art will bring their creative best as they debut their InStaPete Instagram Art Show, collecting local artists to share their best Instagram Art via Gliccle on canvas prints, using archival pigments to bring each artist's posts to life! My light painting photographs "Implode/Explode (Celebration)" (left), and "Boa Noite Senhora" (right), which I chose to uplift and celebrate the magic of women, will be included among other wonderful local art works. All the art is available for your viewing pleasure, and for purchase throughout the month of June. Vote for your favorite prints tonight, the art with the most hearts gets a prize. Jump off the trolley at stop #20 and judge for yourself who gets your heart!

Opening: June 11th from 6-9pm at 2036 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL. Free.

Exhibit on view through the month of June.

Light Paintings at Craft Kafe by Linda Costa Cheranichit

The friendly St. Pete crowd welcomed me and my light painting art this past Second Saturday at Craft Kafe

The friendly St. Pete crowd welcomed me and my light painting art this past Second Saturday at Craft Kafe

On Saturday May 14th I opened my very first exhibit in Downtown St. Pete! It wasn't on the side of town were the classic trolleys take you on the grand tour of all the artsy hot spots, and although I couldn't join the masses that claim part of the famous "Second Saturday" art walk, I still felt pretty proud of myself. After having just moved to the area in December from Atlanta, Ga, in just mere months, I'm now a local studio artist at the Studios at 5663 in Pinellas Park, and I am showing my work in St. Pete proper, on Central Ave even! The feeling of gratitude at the luck and blessings coming my way is immense! I have a chance to share works that are near and dear to me with a brand new audience with hopes that the efforts will be received by eliciting an emotional reaction in the viewers, a soul connection to my light art. A few neighborhood regulars of Craft Kafe dropped by to meet me and to share their interest in the work, and on such an exciting night as Second Saturday with a billion amazing things to do downtown, as a complete stranger in a new land, I was received with open arms by art lovers who were curious, excited and truly engaged in the work. I couldn't ask for anything more. So thank you St. Pete for being so very nice, thank you Craft Kafe for your hospitality, I'm so very grateful to be introducing myself to such a warm and friendly audience, and I feel truly welcomed. My Light Painting Photography exhibited at Craft Kafe will remain up through June. You'll find small prints starting at $20 as well as larger prints ranging from $100-$750. Stop by for a gluten free treat, a delicious Kyoto Drip Coffee and let me know what you think of the art hanging on the walls of this wonderful space! Invite me to join you there for a coffee and a chat, and who knows, you may enter there an art lover and leave an art collector!

New Moon Intentions in Light by Linda Costa Cheranichit

"Flow Down River" a participant's intention written and painted in light by me.

Last Friday, with a New Moon in Taurus, I guided a group workshop inspired by self care and creativity. I began the session by introducing myself and my work as a light painter, detailing my process of painting with light onto darkness and explaining that the magic happens during the long exposure which the camera captures, not afterwards via computer imaging. I then shared my experiences with setting intentions, and how influential that has been in both my personal and professional lives. Before the gathering, I'd prepared bath salts and essential oils, and set out a vase of roses which we then used during our intention setting exercise. I'd learned through my circle of creative and inspiring women in Atlanta that using flower petals and oils to 'plant' your intentions into bath salts as you spoke each intention out loud was an extremely cathartic ritual. Once the seeds of intention have been planted in the salts, the magical mix then sits for the rest of the lunation, that is, until the moon goes from new to full. At the Full Moon, the salts should be poured into a hot bath where you revel in its divine scents and healing properties, reflecting on the ways that your intentions have come to fruition over the last weeks, or reconnecting to your true intentions. I love rituals of this sort, rituals that are simple, no stress, non denominational, and truly enjoyable. Rituals to remind us to take care of this wonderful shape that carries our dreams and our desires, rituals that wash away the negative and invigorate us, rituals to uplift us and keep us true to ourselves and the path we want to walk while on this earth. After planting our seeds of intention, I asked the group to boil their intentions down to 3-6 words that I would then light write and light paint textures around. Each participant was involved in authoring the words, and their silhouettes were used in creating the light painted photograph. It was my turn to enact my own sacred ritual, that of creation. I always enjoy performing my light painting in front of an audience, but I especially love to share it with people who have never seen the process before. There is always such joy in how they experience it, and that is contagious in the most wonderful way! "How are you not in the image? (After about a minute in darkness goes by and I'm still moving around, changing up the lights in my hands) Are you still taking the photo? I've never seen anything like this! That is amazing!" are just some of the questions and comments I heard as I worked in complete darkness creating words and textures using only hand held light sources. I'm so grateful to have my studio as the space where I shared my gifts, lighting up the darkness with the warmth of another person's truest desires. When we finished we each felt compelled to hug as we said our goodbyes, as it truly had been an intimate and unique session where we shared our greatest wishes along with our creative energies on a special New Moon night.